Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary - Ecotourism Review

As this is the beginning of the season in Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary i thought i'll compile the eco-tourism options available and also do a review of them so that it can be of some help to people planning to visit shortly. Basic information 1) Best Season For Birding - December to January (may be till early Feb) 2) Best season for Sighting - Mid- October to December 3) Accomodation booking is controlled centrally from Munnar. Booking Contact 4) Trekking in chinnar is purely depended on the availability of guides. If you have an accomodation it will be taken care of, but if you plan for a day trip reach early. (also avoid month beginnigs- apparantly the guides don't return till they have spent all their money drinking :) ) Chinnar Eco-tourism Centers There are two eco-tourism centers in Chinnar, Alampatty and Chinnar Check Post. Chinnar Check Post Chinnar Check post offers the widest options of the two. Chinnar Trekking Options 1) Hard Trekk...