Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary - Ecotourism Review

As this is the beginning of the season in Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary i thought i'll compile the eco-tourism options available and also do a review of them so that it can be of some help to people planning to visit shortly.

Basic information

1) Best Season For Birding - December to January (may be till early Feb)

2) Best season for Sighting - Mid- October to December

3) Accomodation booking is controlled centrally from Munnar. Booking Contact

4) Trekking in chinnar is purely depended on the availability of guides. If you have an accomodation it will be taken care of, but if you plan for a day trip reach early. (also avoid month beginnigs- apparantly the guides don't return till they have spent all their money drinking :) )

Chinnar Eco-tourism Centers

There are two eco-tourism centers in Chinnar, Alampatty and Chinnar Check Post.

Chinnar Check Post

Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary

Chinnar Check post offers the widest options of the two.

Chinnar Trekking Options

1) Hard Trekking - Duration 6 hours - Mostly this will be to vasyapara hut and back.

2) Medium Trekking- Duration 3 hours - multiple options available.
     a) Riverine trek to Koottar Junction and pambar
     b) Churlipatti route

3) Watch Tower Trek - 30 mins

Ranking for Chinnar Trekking Options

1) Hard trekking To Vasyapara. This is actually not so hard. Roughly 14 kms up and down. But the view from the top is fantastic.

2) Riverine Trekking - Excellent for birders

3) Churlipatti route - Even here there is a riverine stretch. In Jan i've found it to be reasonable for birding

4) Watch tower . Please do not under estimate this option. Its the shortest but is a sure shot for sighting something. I recommend that even people who are just driving through should take a break and try their luck.

Chinnar Accomodation Options

1) Vasyapara Hut (now called Ethnic Hut)

2) Log Houses @
kootar Log House
Vathalam ootru
Periyakombu log house

3) Tree houses @

4) Dormitory @ the Amenities center Chinnar Check post

Standard Accomodation Programme

The program typically starts @ 2 at the amenity center

1) Trek to the Accomodation

2) Rest and tea

3)  Evening Short trek around the accomodation

4) Dinner

5) Early morning trek back to the check post on a slightly circuitous route. 2-3 hours.

For the Vasyapara hut option, breakfast is provided after the early morning walk. for the other acco's breaksfast is after return to the check post

If you are planning to stay for more than a day and ready to tip well, the guides can take you on really long treks too.

Ranking For Chinnar Accomodation Options

1) Vasyapara Hut or Ethnic Hut .

The Hut is located on the edge of a hillock with an excellent view of the forest below. All through the night you can hear the trumpeting of elephants and calls of various animals. One can easily sight elephants and Gaurs though from that height they look more like miniatures. The guides are experts in spotting, and keep pointing out to you all the time. A binocular is a must. There are some 2-3 key animal crossing paths around this hut, good chances of sighting on the evening and early morning walks

There is no water source nearby hence it its available only during the rainy months. If you are prepared to tip the guides generously to fetch water then it becomes a non-issue.

Just a preview of my Visit to Vasyapara this October. will try and post the blog soon

Vasyapara Hut Chinnar wildlife Sanctuary
Vasyapara Hut 
Vasyapara Hut Chinnar wildlife Sanctuary
See if you can spot the Gaurs? this is how it looks from the top

2) Periyakombu
Supposed to be very good for sightings. But again the problem is availability of water

3) Pambar Log House.

This should be the best all year accomodation available. The location is good and good possibility of sightings on the treks. More details in my blog(Pambar Log House)

4) Churlipatti Log House 
Good location right in front of chinar. Thrice a week lot of people visit a temple opposite the log house in TN. Very disturbing for you and the wildlife. More details in my blog( Churlipatti log house)

5) Kootar log house - Not so sure about this acco. I've seen the tree house in kootar but this is only in the websites

6) Vattalam ootru is damaged and not given these days

The Tree houses --  b'cos of the lack of amenities for natures call i would want people to think twice before they opt for the tree houses. (Trust me, in the night every shadow looks like an elephant)

1) Karakkad Tree House - Good for sightings

2) Kootar - sightings should be ok

Dormitory - Best Budget Option
2 decent sized halls with common lavatories(reasonably clean). They provide cots. Ideal for groups on trekking trips.

All tariff details attached below

Ecotourism tariff Chinnar wildlife Sanctuary


Alampatty Trekking Options (Ranking also the same)
2) Dolmens Site and jellimalai

Both treks take roughly 3 hrs and thoovanam is more popular.

Alampatty Accomodation
1) Thoovanam Log House 

2) One more log house (don't kow the name yet)

Alampatty Accomodation Ranking
1) The unnamed One-  Supposedly very good for sighting

2) Thoovanam Log House -  Location is great, not sure about sightings(a forest will always surprise you :) so don't take my words seriously)


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